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If you would like to upgrade your shipping you can do so during checkout. We will send your order either first-class or priority mail. USA CUSTOMERS - If you order over $35.00 worth of merchandise we pay for the shipping.

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Again, we are at the mercy of the Post Office once packages leave our store in the hands of the USPS mail carrier. Priority Mail packages are insured and we will help you file a claim and get reimbursed or replacement fabric. We recommend adding insurance to your order or upgrading to Priority Mail. They do not guarantee First Class mail and will only offer to do a search for those items. If they lose your package we will do what we can to help you deal with the Post Office. We cannot control the USPS and once your package leaves our hands we have to count on them following through properly. It's unfortunate, but it happens occasionally. We are not responsible for returning the original postage, as we paid the postage to have it sent out to the address you provided. If we don't hear from you within 7 days we will cancel the order and refund the cost of the fabric. We will ask for a corrected/updated address and include an invoice for you to pay for additional shipping so we can send it out again. If your package is returned to us because of delivery issues (wrong address or unable to forward, for example) we will send you a convo to let you know we have received it. We can add insurance for a small additional fee if you choose and we highly recommend it. While you will save money upfront, WE DO NOT REFUND OR RE-SHIP fabric for lost or wrongly delivered orders due to USPS errors. ***Please Note - First Class Mail does not include insurance or any guarantee of delivery from the USPS. If you think your shipping is high send up a convo and we'll look into it! If you'd like us to set up a custom order for you simply send a list (via convo) of the items you'd like and we'll get it set up for you quickly. We also willingly set up custom orders for those who prefer that method that way the shipping will be accurate at the point of purchase. So, if you don't leave us a note, we won't know to check. If you think you're paying too much for shipping just leave us a 'note to seller' or send us a convo and we'll check into it for you! Please note, we do not always see these overages. You can rest assured, we will happily refund excessive shipping payments. On Etsy, the shipping cost is difficult to keep accurate. WE REFUND EXCESSIVE SHIPPING CHARGES - When putting multiple items into your shopping cart the Etsy system can sometimes inflate the shipping costs. So, please expect delays that cannot be controlled and be patient! The delivery systems are already slowing down. We all have to expect delays while living through this worldwide Virus Pandemic. The mail carriers and Border workers are doing their best to get the work done. Please, Please, Please, be patient with the delivery systems during this crisis time. We are still shipping to all the great places around the world that we’ve always shipped to. We are shipping from a safe and clean environment and are doing our part in keeping everyone safe. ***PLEASE NOTE: We will not be accepting returns until the Coronavirus is controlled. Sew What Quilt Shop verkauft Stoff bulk stock & Fat Quarters zum Quilten und Nähen, Stoffplatten, Quiltplatten und Nähzubehör. ✿ Möchtest du ein Fat Quarter Bündel? Senden Sie uns eine Liste mit Artikeln und Mengen und wir stellen Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot ein. ✿ Wir versenden Montag bis Freitag, außer an Feiertagen. Wir erstatten exzessive Versandkosten, die durch das Etsy-System entstehen. ✿ Benötigen Sie eine Spezialanfertigung? Sprechen Sie uns einfach an! ✿ Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte. ✿ Alle mehreren Meterware-Bestellungen werden als eine durchgehende Länge des Stoffes verschickt. Nehmen Sie sich eine Minute Zeit, um unsere Shop-Richtlinien und wichtigen Versandinformationen hier zu sehen:

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